
High precision, High reliability,
Reliable brand of precision linear motion.

High precision, High reliability,
Reliable brand of precision linear motion.

High precision, High reliability,
Reliable brand of precision linear motion.

About Us

Bringing excellence by originality and realizing dreams by high quality

Yantai Eddie Precision Machinery Co., Ltd was founded in August of 2003 and listed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2017( stock code : 603638 ), covers an area of 670000 ㎡.
2,800 staff allocated proportionately across the divisions handling hydraulic hammers, attachments, hydraulic parts, robots, machining tools, energy storage technologies and equipments, precision linear motion, etc.
After two decades of development, we have now made an international reputation as a precision Mechanical Technology Company, having sold our products to more than 90 countries and regions, establishing an excellent corporate image and international brand.


Square meters


billion RMB(≈22 billion USD),Market value of parent company,September 2023.


Patent Qualification

Industry Applications

Numerically controlled machine tool
In numerically controlled machine tool, ball screws can provide higher positioning accuracy and repeat positioning accuracy to meet the device's demand for precise motion. Ball screws have a high stiffness to withstand large loads and reverse forces while maintaining stable motion and positioning. Ball screws can achieve high-speed movement to improve production efficiency and work efficiency. Ball screws have long service life and wear resistance, due to special ball structures and lubrication methods.
Besides, ball screws also have features such as easy maintenance, compact structure, small volume, etc., which are more suitable for the design and application of numerically controlled machine tool.
In automation equipment, ball screws can provide high positioning accuracy, high repeat positioning accuracy, high stiffness, high-speed movement and have long service life time and wear resistances. Besides, ball screws also have features such as easy maintenance, compact structure, small volume, etc., which are more suitable for the design and application of automation equipment.
To ensure the properties of high accuracy , long-term operation, silence and comfort of medical devices, linear guide rails should have high positioning accuracy and repeat accuracy, high durability and reliability, a low noise characteristic. Furthermore, to ensure the safety of patients and healthcare professionals, linear guide rails should comply with medical industry safety standards and made of materials as well as surface treatments that are easy to clean for maintenance and upkeep.
Humanoid robot
As important components of robot joint transmission systems, planet rollerball screws play a crucial role in the field of robotics. They have precise, efficient, and stable characteristics and are widely used in robotic joint motion control, precise positioning, and load transmission, etc.
In the automotive industry, ball screws are used in the brake system to transmit the force of the brake pedal. The high precision and reliability of ball screws ensure accurate response and safety performance of the braking system.
Semiconductor industry
Efficient energy saving: Ball screws can perform repeated movements to reduce costs and achieve energy saving effects.
Improved efficiency: Miniature linear guide rails can improve the speed of machine tools, thus achieving high-speed motion of machine tools and improving work efficiency.
Flexible movement: The rolling linear guide rails have a smaller coefficient of friction between static friction and dynamic friction, resulting in more flexible movement.
New energy industry
Linear guide rails, with high precision and durability, can ensure precise and stable control of various movements in battery production, thereby ensuring product quality and work efficiency.
Engineering machinery
Direct drive: Electric cylinders can directly drive various engineering machinery such as crawler excavators, loaders.
Energy conservation and environmental protection: Compared with hydraulic systems, electric cylinders can achieve energy conservation of up to 20%, while also being free from pollution and low noise.
Simple maintenance: The failure rate of electric cylinders is only 10% that of hydraulic systems, making maintenance simpler.
High integration: Electric cylinders enable high-density integration, resulting in more compact mechanical structures.
Precise control: The response speed of electric cylinders can reach ten times that of hydraulic systems, providing more precise control.
Solar power
Linear guide rails, in solar panel installation systems, are used to support and adjust the position of solar panels to ensure that they are at the optimal angle with the sun, thereby improving photovoltaic power generation efficiency.
Precise control: The response speed of electric cylinders can reach ten times that of hydraulic systems, providing more precise control.
Aeronautics and space
Aerospace equipment and systems require linear guides that have stable and reliable supporting capabilities, able to withstand large loads and work under complex stress conditions.
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provide development for employees, and contribute to society.

More 艾迪精密传动事业部
Twenty Years of Craftsmanship, Innovative Development and Continuing Journey | Yantai AIDI Precision Machinery Co.
On September 19th, the 20th anniver ary celebration of Yantai Acuity Preci ion Machinery Co. More than 2,300 employee from all divi ion and ub idiarie of AIDI Preci ion, AIDI Hydraulic, AIC Technology, AIDI RuiNeng, AOLONG Technology, and YNN New Power celebrated the 20th birthday of AIDI Preci ion by remembering the pa t year of truggle and looking at the brilliant achievement of the pre ent day.   Along with the mu ic, the chairman of the board of director and the company' enior management with 140 meritoriou employee and fifteen year old employee , retraced the road of 20 year of development, reviewing the cour e of development, reviewing the re ult of the product. In the corridor of time, every footprint of AIDI Preci ion' truggle i trea ured, and the hardworking tyle of AIDI' people who are hard-working, pioneering, united, and vigorou i recorded.   A magnificent and in piring "Magnificent Voyage" opened the celebration.   Immediately after, Song Fei, chairman of the board, who i the leader and pioneer of Acuity Brand , delivered a peech with the theme of "Work together to eize new opportunitie , and continue to make new achievement ".    Ran autumn light to, tired fruit. In the peech, the chairman of the board of director recalled the original dream of the birth of AIDI Preci ion, hared the development cour e of AIDI Preci ion in the pa t twenty year of hard work and continuou tran cendence, and expre ed hi high re pect and incere gratitude to each and every AIDI' triver !   Talking about the achievement of the company nowaday , the chairman of the board aid that the company ha developed into a diver ified high-tech company driven by innovation, with the bu ine covering hydraulic fixture , high-end hydraulic part , indu trial robot , CNC preci ion machining tool , new energy three power y tem , etc.; it ha developed into the world' large t upplier of hydraulic fixture , and the hydraulic part program ha gradually cro ed into the world' head array. "The cene of our truggle are vivid in our mind , the ucce we have achieved i not ea y to come by, on behalf of the company I would like to expre my heartfelt thank again to each and every one of Eddy' truggler !" Facing the market pro pect of con truction machinery indu try, the chairman of the board pointed out that the company ha actively advanced the layout in the internationalization of the market, product diver ification, manufacturing digital intelligence, etc., to eek new development opportunitie . In the next tep, Acuity Preci ion will continue to explore the international market and trengthen international cooperation; adhere to technological innovation and enrich product type ; promote management upgrading and continuou ly improve quality and reduce co t .   Reviewing the pa t twenty year , the chairman of the board of director expre ed with deep emotion, "We have experienced many difficultie and challenge , but we have alway per i ted in the pur uit of excellence and innovation, ca ting the ' pirit of Acuity'." Unveiling the new future of Addy, "We will continue to adhere to the 'Addy Spirit' and meet more challenge and opportunitie . Though the road i far, we will get there; though thing are difficult, we will accompli h them. Since we have cho en a faraway place, we will only care about the wind and rain! Let' make concerted effort to eize new opportunitie and make new achievement in the future!"   All Eddy' people ent their ble ing for the company' 20th birthday through the theme hort movie "Eddy, Happy Birthday".   Twenty year of wind and rain, twenty year of pro perity. Through the theme video "Pa ionate Entrepreneur hip Building Excitement", the people of Acuity Brand traced the footprint of hi tory and felt the Acuity Brand pirit of hard work and integration and innovation.   The choru "Roll Up Your Sleeve and Work Hard", the drum dance "Clanging Drum of War", the poem "Twenty Year of Craft man hip and Innovation to the Future", the how "Eddie' Worker Have Strength", and the choru "Teenager " howed the hard year of Eddie' people who have come from the early tage of the bu ine , from green ilk to white hair, from ignorance to determination, they have no regret , no fear, and are full of confidence.   At the moment of celebrating the birthday, there are till ome colleague in pecial po ition who tick to the front line and can't come to the cene of the celebration, they pa the ble ing to Eddie through a hort video link.   Addy' growth and development, in eparable from the officer and entrepreneur , never ay die to the pioneer , in order to thank them for their per i tent per everance and dedication, the ceremony wa held on the gift ceremony, 75 more than fifteen year of veteran employee on the tage to receive the award.   Fifteen year old taff repre entative Wang Zhifeng, Zhao Kunjiang hare the tory of the entrepreneurial period and the feeling of compari on between the pre ent and the pa t.   Watering the harve t with weat, and moving forward with olid work. The theme of the hort film how the re ult achieved by AIDI Preci ion in the pa t twenty year , behind the glory, i the AIDI Preci ion dreaming of the time , create excellence and trive for the fir t in the truggle po ture, in the journey of independent innovation, ran out of the enterpri e development "acceleration", played acro the catching up with the " tronge t ound". The mo t powerful ound".   The colorful dance dance out the entiment of thi night, and the beautiful ong ing out the common heart. Poetry recitation + choru "Hello Eddie", comedy "Tho e thing I did in Eddie", entiment peech "Struggler aid", choru "Together to", and dance "Lone Brave", indicating the rapid development of Eddie, tirring the dream of every Eddie.   Lead the way with craft man hip and educate people with kill. Over the pa t twenty year , the company ha produced a large number of out tanding talent , providing olid talent upport and wi dom to promote the company' high-quality development. At the ceremony, the company awarded the "Inheritance Award", "Maintenance Award", "Pioneering Award" and "Special Contribution Award". The "Special Contribution Award" wa pre ented to the employee . The diligent and dedicated dutie and loyalty of the meritoriou employee have made up the plendor of Acuity Preci ion today, and will al o light up the journey tomorrow.   Meritoriou taff repre entative Zou Dequn, Zhang Lei, Du Benzhong delivered an acceptance peech.    Looking back, we hould not be a hamed of the pre ent, and looking forward to the future, we are full of confidence. Through the theme of the hort film, "Working Together Toward the Future", the leader hip team of each divi ion and ub idiary olemnly tated that they would make unremitting effort to create a better future for AIDI by doing olid work and moving forward with certainty.   Song kewer ""Ai" your love", dance kewer "happine to the future", the ong " truggle for happine ", aid the people of AiDi will continue to work together, continue to truggle, and then tart a new journey of determination.   The foot tep of truggle are accelerating in the journey; the new of innovation i preading in the golden fall. The top management ounded the drum of war together and et ail again.   Middle management per onnel choru " tart again", the ong to convey the faith, hard work to continue the chapter, they will be under the trong leader hip of the Board of Director , to lead their re pective team to do better, tronger, bigger, to a more highly ophi ticated field, to the next 20 year to tart again!    La t night, we witne ed hi tory, ble the future; la t night, we made a wi h, remember the good.   The road i a trong a iron, and now we are taking tep from the beginning. In the pa t twenty year , we are worthy of the re pon ibility and mi ion, today, we embarked on a brand-new journey to cha e the dream, continue the original heart, courage and determination to move forward, dream a a hor e, not to be a hamed.   We wi h AIDI Preci ion a bright future and a new glory!

Company News
携手共进创佳绩 铸就辉煌展风采|艾迪精密2023年度秋季运动会圆满举行
金秋九月,丹桂飘香,9月3日,烟台艾迪精密机械股份有限公司2023年度秋季运动会在烟台工程职业技术学院体育场燃情开赛,来自艾迪精密、艾迪液压、艾创科技、锐能超硬刀具各部门及事业部的4大代表团、2300余名职工参与此次盛会。   本次运动会主题为“携手共进创佳绩 铸就辉煌展风采”,旨在倡导健康向上的生活方式,增强员工凝聚力与向心力,激励全体艾迪人以更加饱满的精神状态,奋力推进企业高质量发展。   嘹亮的口号、整齐的步伐,各代表方队士气高昂、神采飞扬,向主席台齐步走来。   艾迪精密副总经理冯晓华致开幕词,向精心筹备运动会的所有工作人员、全体裁判员、运动员以及各支持单位表示衷心的感谢!对到场的全体员工及家人致以良好的祝愿和亲切的问候。冯总表示,发展体育运动、增强人民体质,是祖国人民的希望,培养员工良好的品德、强健的体魄,是公司的责任。无论在工作岗位上还是在赛场上,我们都要努力奔跑,坚信“我运动、我健康、我自信、我阳光”,运动赋予我们的勇敢、果断、坚强、激情、拼搏和奉献精神,将是我们学习、工作、生活的力量源泉和强劲动力。   运动员代表张力芹、路佳宾及裁判长宣誓。   歌曲串烧表演与员工集体舞表演点燃了全场的热烈氛围。开幕式现场人头攒动,精彩绝伦的表演引得观众喝彩不断、掌声连连。   伴随演出结束,比赛正式开始。本次运动会共设置田径项目13个、娱乐项目8个,参赛人数达652人。根据个人名次累计团体总成绩,确保本届运动会的规模、水平,促进赛事工作规范有序。   各项比赛过程中,运动员们秉承“友谊第一,比赛第二”的原则,尊重对手、挑战自我,比拼力量与速度、耐力与毅力,全面展现了干部职工的良好精神风貌,赛出了风格,赛出了水平,呈现了一场精彩纷呈的运动盛宴。   艾迪精密副总经理宋鸥宣读运动会比赛结果,艾创/锐能公司、精密公司、液压公司分别获得团体积分第一、二、三名;精密机加/磨床代表队、液压铸造车间代表队、马达事业部二队获得优秀方队奖项。   2023年度秋季职工运动会在艾迪液压总经理徐尚武的致辞中落下帷幕,徐总表示,我们将乘这次大会的东风,持续开展好公司各项文体活动,不断增强公司的凝聚力、向心力和战斗力,为公司2023年经营目标的完成提供强大的精神动力和体力、智力支持。

Company News
锁定目标不动摇 攻坚克难顶峰见|艾迪精密2022年度表彰大会暨2023年度工作会议隆重召开
万象更新春渐浓,骏马驰骋逐春风。1月31日,烟台艾迪精密机械股份有限公司2022年度表彰大会暨2023年度工作会议于多功能厅隆重举行。会议围绕“锁定目标不动摇 攻坚克难顶峰见”的主题,对2022年的工作与成绩进行总结和表彰,对2023年发展方向及重点工作进行规划与部署。   大会开始,由公司高层领导为在2022年度先进评选工作中获得各项荣誉称号的先进个人颁奖。本次大会共设立英才奖、优秀员工、优秀基层干部、优秀中层干部、技术进步奖、工艺创新奖、销售精英、服务精英、生产标兵、质量管理标兵、智能制造标兵、后勤保障奖、抗疫贡献奖13个奖项,表彰先进个人196名,鼓励他们继续发挥模范带头作用,为公司的发展贡献力量。   大会进行第二项,英才奖获奖者薛圣剑上台发言,薛圣剑表示,非常荣幸作为员工代表致辞。一个团队只有齐心协力、同心同德,才能克服一个又一个的困难,越过艰难险阻,最终取得胜利、赢得辉煌。获得英才奖既是一份荣耀,更是一份责任和鞭策,过去的成绩将作为新的工作起点,今后将以更高的标准严格要求自己,虚心学习他人长处,在工作中不断完善自我,认真履行岗位职责,始终保持旺盛的精神风貌和饱满的工作热情,全心全意投入到工作中。   烟台艾迪液压科技有限公司总经理徐尚武发表“勇挑重担 直面挑战”主题讲话。徐尚武总经理在讲话中对2022年大液压板块的整体工作做了总结与反思,重点强调了产品开发、质量管控、团队建设、成本控制方面的问题,并对疫情异常严峻时刻在外坚持出差的员工给予了表扬。徐尚武总经理表示,2023年大液压工作思路为“一个中心,两个重点,三个抓住”&mda h;&mda h;以客户为中心,以产品研发与市场开拓为重点,抓质量提升、抓成本控制、抓绩效考核。希望大液压板块的全体员工能够勠力同心,以敢担当的责任心,以等不起的紧迫感,以冲在前的执行力,落实好各自岗位职责,实现销售目标,以优异的成绩向公司成立20周年献礼。   大会进行最后一项,烟台艾迪精密机械股份有限公司董事长宋飞发表讲话,董事长首先对获得表彰的个人表示衷心的祝贺,对过去一年在艾迪勤劳奉献的家人们致以诚挚的感谢。每一份荣耀都是拼搏所得,每一份努力都值得尊重和纪念。2022年各个事业部的管理岗位都发生了很大变化,许多基层岗位员工走向了更高的管理岗位,也证明了各位在艾迪这个环境里得到了成长。   2022年是不平凡的一年,面对国内外大环境冲击、经济下行等多重考验,艾迪各个事业部逆势而上,承压前行,取得了一定的成绩,也看到了很多的差距。2023年依旧机遇与挑战并存,对此全体艾迪人当认清有利形势,积极抢抓发展机遇,客观分析存在的困难与挑战,大力拓展海外市场,严格把控产品质量,加快完善体系建设,着力推动技术创新。   新的一年向大家提出八大生产管理目标:安全生产、质量管理、成本管理、工艺管理、现场管理、设备维护、员工培训、劳动纪律。希望各位艾迪人时刻怀揣危机感与紧迫感,行动起来,付诸实施,用行动展示价值。   回首不忘来时路,在过去的二十年里,感谢所有辛勤付出的艾迪人,是你们的不懈拼搏造就了公司今日的累累硕果。历史已翻开崭新的一页,在新的历史机遇面前,每个人都应当有更强的使命感与责任感,锁定目标不动摇,攻坚克难顶峰见,为公司成立20周年献出优秀答卷,美好的未来必将属于每一位奋斗者。

Company News
乘风破浪 砥砺前行 勇挑重担|艾迪精密2023年度经营目标责任状签订仪式圆满举行
1月19日,烟台艾迪精密机械股份有限公司“乘风破浪 砥砺前行 勇挑重担 向公司成立20周年献礼”2023年度经营目标责任状签订仪式圆满召开。公司全体中高层管理人员及销售人员参会,艾迪精密副总经理兼董事会秘书李娇云主持会议。   2023年公司各项工作目前已全面铺开,各个事业部皆已确定2023年度经营指标,并在第一时间将年度经营指标落实到销售部门以及每一个业务人员。此次大会旨在明确各方责任,强化各自担当,激发成员干劲,齐心戮力,共同推进年度目标达成。   大会声明,为了更好地激励大家在新一年创造出更优异的成绩,实现公司与个人的双赢结果,公司管理层大幅度调整了新一年的业绩激励手段与目标,以奋斗者为本,真正做到让多付出的人多收获,让不能够胜任岗位的人及时退出。2023年的激励包含了工资、奖金,同时也包含了各子公司的原始股份激励。   大会进行第一项,公司与各子公司的高管团队签订经营目标责任状,艾迪高管团队依次上台与董事长进行签约。   大会进行第二项,各事业部销售团队签订业绩目标责任状,艾迪各销售部销售人员依次上台,与各事业部总经理进行签约。   大会进行第三项,董事长宋飞发表讲话。董事长表示,此次签约仪式目的在于将各事业部、子公司及销售团队的业绩做出明确要求。每一份责任状都经过公司的仔细研究与推敲,对大家既是激励,也提供了努力的方向和目标。要想实现目标,努力和付出是必不可少的,今天能够站在台上进行签约的人员都是公司的核心人员,你们不是一个人在作战,而是整个团队在作战,签约是一份责任、一份信誉,也是对团队价值的体现。责任书已签订,时间表已明确,路线图已明晰,接下来担子就在肩上,脚步就在路上,目标就在前方,希望各位签约人能齐心协力,努力履约。   2022年是外部环境严峻复杂、充满挑战和曲折的一年;2023年是新的起点,也是艾迪成立20周年。希望在新的一年,集团上下能够以崭新的面貌、优异的成绩展示自己,在顽强坚守后迎来曙光。   会议最后,预祝艾迪全体高管团队以及销售团队,在公司董事长的带领下,在大家的共同努力下,乘风破浪,砥砺前行,勇挑重担,坚决完成2023年的销售目标,向公司成立20周年献礼。
